01:39PM EST - Off to more meetings, also AT&T LTE didn't implode during the keynote.

01:37PM EST - That's it, wow, no device announcements is a bit of a surprise. We've still got a full day ahead, this is Brian signing off!

01:36PM EST - AT&T is going to preload its drive alert "it can wait" no SMS while driving app on phones too, that was tossed in at the end here

01:36PM EST - Good Times guy won, the cat ear was a success!


01:34PM EST - Now for the fast pitch winner... I'm rooting for the guy with the cat ear headset brainwaves thing

01:31PM EST - So I guess there weren't any new AT&T smartphones, tablets, or datacards to announce? This was entirely digital life, cloud services, APIs, and so forth.

01:28PM EST - AT&T feels it is two or three years of the other digital life competitors, not sure if they're talking about compared to the rest of the home security providers

01:25PM EST - Something I always worry about with purely wireless home automation and home security - jamming. Want to hear what the mitigation if any is for this.

01:22PM EST - John Chambers CEO of Cisco is up now, Cisco put together AT&T's home automation and security control panel

01:21PM EST - "AT&T's vision is an all wireless, all digital, home security and automation product"

01:19PM EST - Here we go, complete list of the monitoring services offered. Launch in March 2013 in 8 markets. 50 by end of 2013.

01:19PM EST - This platform is all wireless - inside the home, and outside the home

01:17PM EST - Some of the AT&T monitoring features - Indoor and outdoor video cameras, automated door locks and lighting, water leak detection

01:15PM EST - AT&T security monitoring centers in Atlanta and Dallas, applications on all operating systems and HTML5, customizable application with simple navigation

01:14PM EST - "We'll allow customers to bring their own broadband and their own mobile devices for monitoring the service"

01:13PM EST - AT&T is really pushing its home security and automation product, and wants to own this from end to end clearly

01:11PM EST - "People want more features, more integration, better value, and flexibility"

01:10PM EST - "Home security is not only overdue for a facelift, but also overdue for innovation"

01:09PM EST - That's it for the network part, Glenn Lurie is up talking about AT&T's digital life platform now

01:08PM EST - A bit light on details about actual LTE deployment specifics beyond what we already know, but that's something.

01:06PM EST - IP broadband build completion by 2015, with LTE available to 99% of the wireline covered base

01:05PM EST - 75% of the IPDSLAM locations will have the ability to receive 45 Mbps, and half of those at up to 75 Mbps

01:04PM EST - VIP also is about improving wireline networking speeds to 100 Mbps in the future

01:04PM EST - "small cells let us improve spectrum efficiency, improve in-building coverage, and build a more efficient radio access network"

01:03PM EST - 1,000 new DAS, 10,000 new macro sites, 40,000 new small cells from 2013-2015

01:02PM EST - Donovan is talking about RRH architecture that LTE went with, faster backhaul to base stations. 90% of total traffic is on ethernet backhaul.

01:01PM EST - 300M POPs by year-end 2014

01:00PM EST - More information about project VIP (Velocity IP)

01:00PM EST - Finally, a slide with details about the core network!

12:59PM EST - "25 of the smartphones we launched on our network in 2012 support HTML5 to varying degrees"

12:58PM EST - "We've taken leadership roles in the W3C and continue to make HTML5 a priority"

12:56PM EST - "The entire AT&T API platform, watson speech engine, toggle platform, it can wait website, contact services app, all run on OpenStack infrastructure now"

12:55PM EST - "An open tide, as long as it isn't a crimson tide, lifts all boats" I'm not sure I follow, but we're looking at improvements to AT&T's OpenStack

12:53PM EST - Now ready to talk network upgrades and plans with John Donovan

12:52PM EST - "This is really designed for the speech impaired or hearing impaired"

12:51PM EST - Talk To You Now - two way voice to IM chatting, realtime

12:50PM EST - Third up is Talk To You Now

12:49PM EST - HereHere - voice on social, use your words. I guess this is like twitter but instead of just text, it's voice.

12:49PM EST - HearHere - Social networking with voice, short sharing into a geofence or to family, friends, everyone

12:48PM EST - Second is HearHere - Windows Phone app, but an app on top of cloud services

12:47PM EST - Good Times - doing incoming call filtering based on brainwaves and when he's not distracted or busy, using a headset with cat ears on it.

12:46PM EST - Good Times - transmitting brainwaves from the phone to the cloud, calls are being filtered by his realtime mental state

12:45PM EST - Getting a look at the three finalists now and their pitches

12:44PM EST - "You drink dangerous amounts of energy drinks" - that sounds like CES to me

12:43PM EST - 28 mobile hackathons, 3600 developers, 450 apps created

12:42PM EST - Hackathon fast pitch is next, three two-minute pitches, $30,000 up for who wins

12:41PM EST - Kind of cool, handing the mobile identity problem is a big deal. Treat the mobile number more like a portable user identity instead of something tied to just a phone.

12:40PM EST - They're showing sending an SMS from the browser as his own personal mobile number

12:39PM EST - "Maya only had to remember a single mobile number to ring them all up"

12:39PM EST - They're doing a demo of the AT&T call management API, handing off the calls between caretakers from a call originated by a young girl

12:37PM EST - This is almost like Google Voice, but AT&T is going to allow you to move your mobile number around to different devices on primary phone, borrowed phone, tablet, other mobile device, or webRTC enabled browser

12:36PM EST - "Customers existing mobile number can work across all these devices"

12:35PM EST - Introducing AT&T call management API which is also in Alpha, existing AT&T mobile number for fully programmable web telephony on any connected device

12:35PM EST - "Once all this is in place you can get high quality calls and video conferences from the browser experience"

12:34PM EST - WebRTC up next - browsing real time communication without the need for plugins

12:33PM EST - Looks like access to your AT&T account details and billing address based on your mobile number

12:33PM EST - AskZiggy is up showing how they use the AT&T Customer Profile API in their application - entering their mobile number to auto populate the booking form

12:30PM EST - More AT&T APIs for developers, looking at another video

12:29PM EST - Advertising API being added this year as well - so AT&T wants to be a part of the mobile advertising space as well

12:28PM EST - New capabilities in AT&T's speech API, in 2013 more capabilities are coming to be able to add words and train

12:27PM EST - ARO now can be used on Windows 8 via the Visual Studio gallery

12:27PM EST - ARO is open sourced as of June, AT&T wants everyone to use ARO and scan application behavior (not surprising, this simulates the whole RRC state table on the emulator)

12:26PM EST - ARO - Application Resource Optimizer up next, which we saw announced last year. I've played with this a few times, very useful.

12:25PM EST - 31,000 AT&T developer members, this last year over 12,000 joined.

12:25PM EST - David Christopher is up now with updates to the AT&T API platform

12:24PM EST - So don't text and drive, but text by talking to your Siri-like assistant in your car and order pizza with your kids in the back of the car.

12:23PM EST - "No worries, let's just celebrate our anniversary with some Pizza then" - uh ok.

12:22PM EST - We're looking at a video showing what looks like the Tesla infotainment system running some futuristic personal assistant software in a Nissan.

12:21PM EST - So the three new platforms are digital home, mobile payments, and connected cars, at least that's AT&T's vision

12:20PM EST - "Over 20 million connected cars will be on the road in the next year"

12:18PM EST - Second new platform - mobile payments. Isis up on the slide.

12:17PM EST - For a second I thought we were talking about software platforms, instead this is different platform as in context entirely

12:16PM EST - "What's next? Our network and new devices creating new platforms for developers to reach customers at home, in the car, and in-between"

12:15PM EST - "That's my update on devices" - hopefully AT&T will announce some new devices here, years past this was a venue for at least some of those

12:14PM EST - Now some love for WP8, "AT&T has sold more windows phones than any carrier worldwide period"

12:14PM EST - Ralph is going over all the major Android phones launched in the previous year

12:13PM EST - "Only on AT&T's network you can talk and surf on iPhone 5"

12:13PM EST - AT&T is showing quotes now from publications saying AT&T LTE is faster, most of caveats though are "where it's available"

12:12PM EST - More than 170 million people reached by AT&T LTE in the US now

12:12PM EST - Developments in networks, devices, and applications are critical for developing smartphone platforms

12:11PM EST - Lots of good stuff coming up, developer updates, network updates

12:10PM EST - Ralph de la Vega is out on stage now, this is their largest developer summit ever

12:08PM EST - Things are underway now, being shown images of the AT&T Dev Labs.

12:08PM EST - AT&T LTE is seriously starting to slow down in here. Getting like 2 Mbps down / 0.1 Mbps up.

12:06PM EST - We're being told the event will get started shortly

11:53AM EST - Somehow that screenshot ended up being absolutely huge. Getting 3 Mbps down / 1 Mbps up inside here, earlier I hit 17 Mbps down.

11:49AM EST - Not seeing any Band 4 LTE down here in the Palms on the AT&T DAS, I was hoping I might catch a glimpse of it. Just Band 17 at the moment.

11:48AM EST - They'll be getting underway in 15 minutes, room is starting to get more packed now.

11:43AM EST - AT&T has a DAS in the building here, thus far LTE is holding up decently well.

11:42AM EST - We've got a while to wait before the event gets underway, but got good seats this year in the Pearl.

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  • Doormat - Monday, January 7, 2013 - link

    I thought AT&T leased its AWS holdings to T-Mo in Vegas? Block E.
  • vol7ron - Monday, January 7, 2013 - link

    If you use xCode you''ll also notice that the screenshot/device display is huge. I think this has to do with the Retina display.

    I think to get it closer to actual size, the image should be 1/4 of the screenshot. Certain image-editing apps may be able to easily maintain that image and resize it for you.
  • IBM650 - Monday, January 7, 2013 - link

    Att has the worst wireless reviews. They lie about their network.
  • malkion - Tuesday, January 8, 2013 - link

    This will be a tough sell. I'd rather have a company go hand in hand in getting a nice modern smart home set up for a family, with the family having the ultimate say in the matter, than to have a wireless system subject to 'outside' scrutiny being leased to millions, then having to call customer service for any small glitch that occurs..

    Am I on topic? LOL
  • CeriseCogburn - Tuesday, January 15, 2013 - link

    " AT&T security monitoring centers in Atlanta and Dallas "

    Your home live video streamed and usage monitored 24/7/365 to AT&T's helpful REAL LIFE data center.
    Feel secure while our people miles away watch your every move, don't worry we're not creeps !

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