
It's been quite some time since AnandTech has tackled an audio review. With Intel feeding higher bandwidth to onboard solutions and ever more data available to add-in cards through PCI Express, we could start to see some changes in the way that the industry approaches audio. We already have DVD-Audio and SACDs on current storage formats. With HD-DVD or Blu-ray coming down the pipe shortly, we'll have larger storage devices to feed the bandwidth-hungry PCs of today. That means even better quality media.

Our drive in life is to stay ahead of the curve and help as many people understand and ride the wave of upcoming technology as possible. When AnandTech got started, the AMD/Intel war was just getting going and 3D hardware was just beginning to take off. Before the advent of hardware 3D graphics acceleration, the video card was basically used as a rasterizer that drew a 2D image to the screen over an analog output. When talking about image quality, all rested on the DAC, which took the image of the screen in RAM and converted it from a digital grid of color values to an analog signal that the monitor could understand. Back in the day, Matrox started getting fancy and accelerated 2D windows function calls so that the CPU didn't have to draw everything itself. Slowly, more and more drawing was handled by the graphics card until we ended up moving complex 3D functions onto the graphics card and removing overhead from the rest of the system.

Over the years, a much slower trend has been happening on sound cards that parallels the graphics card industry. We have 3D positional audio and hardware DSP effects that manipulate audio in order to make it sound like it's contained in an altogether different environment.

Some of the key factors have kept the audio industry from advancing as fast and furiously as the graphics industry. First, our ears are easier to fool than our eyes. In general, people just don't care as much about hearing things where they are if they can see it. But there are mold breakers. Games like Doom 3, Thief 3, and The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, are aurally quite beautiful and the sound quality not only adds to the experience, but is essential to gameplay as well.


There hasn't been enough emphasis placed on more than a 2-speaker 3D positional audio yet. In our opinion, applying HRTFs (head related transform functions) to 2-speaker setups is on its way out. Solutions like Doom 3's 5.1 channel surround implementation are doable and sound more natural. As the average end user for any given game begins to have a 5.1 surround system rather than a 2 or 2.1 system, we will start to see more and more developers use better sounding techniques.

The minimum quality for PC speakers is way too low. The speaker is the weakest link in the audio chain, and there's no need to buy an expensive sound card if you're going to have a cheap set of speakers connected to it. As people start to understand audio more, they will start to embrace it. The more realistic visuals become in games, the more obvious problems with audio will become. If by no other factor, we will see audio quality improve on the PC.

Today, we are going to take a look at a cross section of the audio industry. The lineup includes two cards from Creative (the Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro and Audigy 4 Pro), the Realtek Intel HD Audio solution, and the Echo Audio Gina3G. With these cards, we are covering our bases for the consumer add-in market, professional recording, and onboard audio solutions. Over time, as we review more audio solutions, we will compare against these cards as well.

Before we get to the cards and tests, we will need to take a look at what it is exactly that we will be doing. First, we will look what goes into an audio solution, and then we'll take a look at RightMark Audio Analyzer. As most of our analysis will be based on RMAA, understanding what all its tests mean is of the utmost importance.

The Anatomy of a Sound Review (Electrical Analysis)
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  • S0me1X - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    There are many more factors that effects the sound quality than just the chipset...
  • knitecrow - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    Onkyo SE-150PCI is a via ENVY24 based soundcard. I expect it to be like all hi-end VIA ENVY24 based cards.
  • vailr - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    Please also consider, for camparison:
    Onkyo SE-150PCI PC Digital Audio Board
  • knitecrow - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    Its a good primer, got my hopes up... I would have liked to seen a more comprehensive round-up

    The soundcards/audio solutions I would like to get compared:

    Consumer ENVY24 boards:
    $25 chaintech AV-710 (i've found to sound as good as any audigy)
    $100 M-audio Revolution 7.1 or Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1

    Pro ENVY24 cards:
    M-audio audiophile 2496

    I like the suggestions about
    Creative Live! & turtle beach santa cruze
    realtek alc850 onboard
    analog devices onboard
    nvidia nf2 soundstorm

    I'll look forward to such a roundup.
  • S0me1X - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    However, its not something I'd get if I just want the highest quality sq from a computer ;)
  • S0me1X - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    Motu 828 looks interesting :) Firewire is another excellent interface for this application, if implemented properly.
  • tr1kstanc3 - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    still a good review and i do hope you follow up on your conclusion to test real "pro-audio" interfaces!
  • tr1kstanc3 - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    my motu 828 mkii puts the smackdown on those reviewed cards... gina is decent but i wouldnt quite put it at the 'pro' level. should have used something slightly better like a digidesign 002, motu 828/896, rme...
  • S0me1X - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    You should consider EMU0404 or EMU1212 ($100 and $200, respectively).
    Even better would be to use digital out from Chaintech AV710 ($25, can be flashed to Prodigy 7.1 firmware and get bitperfect digital out) to a nice external DAC. There are a lot of options for the external DAC, one of the best for this purpose is Benchmar DAC1, which can be had for $975.
  • sparky001 - Friday, February 4, 2005 - link

    Since we are in an era of htpc's. I think we need clarification on playback more than we do recording.

    I think most people that acctually wanted to do recording would go get a dedicated recording solution.

    But because of limited drivers and the like (linux) most playback cards tend to be of the consumer variety.

    I very much would like to see the ENVY chips reviewed. And a short piece on OS compatibility.

    People will have very specific perposes for looking at these audio reviews. ie
    Games- SPdif
    Games- Analogue
    I guess.

    Also unfortunatly the domanant audio source is still 16bit/44.1hkz. Since my HTPC has to playback every CD that I have on my server in uncompressed WAV format, I want the best card for that purpose.

    Thanks Derek.

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